Le prix indiqué correspond à l'hébergement seul, par exemple : Studio 4 personnes - 1 coin nuit - Terrasse ou balcon - Quartier La Place, du 04/05 au 11/05 . En France, les prix affichés ne comprennent pas la taxe de séjour.
Very pleasant setting and very well maintained exterior
Functional housing
Very clean swimming pool, too bad we are not accessible to all areas (especially the sports pool) when we book a stay
Very pretty village a stone's throw from the sea. The site is very large, we were in the beach area which requires taking the car (or bike) to benefit from the swimming pool, entertainment etc... The houses are functional and well equipped but the cleaning is not perfect. The village is very suitable for little ones and it is very pleasant (play areas, little ones' house, paddling pool). Thank you for this very enjoyable stay.