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Fitted out on an air plateau opened on the chain of Mont Blanc, Praz de Lys - Sommand's family resort benefits from a plentiful snow coverage. His hilly massifs make a domain of diversified and very appreciated Alpine skiing and its covered with snow forests a magic place for the cross-country skiing and the strolls in snowshoes. 30 km of pedestrian tracks were fitted out for the not skiers, who can take advantage of numerous activities and évenements foreseen on the station this winter (demonstrations of Big Air, Boarder crosses, torchlight descents).
Total of the slopes41/54
Green slopes7/8
Blue slopes22/29
Red slopes9/11
Black slopes3/6
Last update on 11/03/2025 at 04:15
74440 PRAZ DE LYS SOMMAND - Haute-Savoie
Praz de Lys Sommand Tourisme
62 rue de la poste - BP 50 TANINGES
Tel : 04 50 34 25 05